About Us

Credit cafe is a project aimed at solving the diffcultiies users most especially developers encounter with using their real credit cards for eCommerce or software testing purpose. It allows users to be able to generate credit cards that can only be used for eCommerce purpose, software testing and data verification purposes. Instead of using a real credit card, you can use our 100% valid credit cards to safely test your websites & apps. Using our card numbers means no money will be deducted from any account whenever an application is being tested. It allows you to validate all payment testing scenarios such as credit card number length, format, type, issuing network etc. This project was carried out as a portfoilio project in partial fulfilment of ALX Holberton School of Software Engineering Program.


Below is the developer who made this project a reality.

Charles Obimnaeto Egesionu

A programming enthusiast and a fullstack software engineer (ALX Holberton School Alumni) who specializes on Frontend Software Engineering, eager to contribute to team success through hard work, reliability, innovative ideas, and excellent organizational skills. Currently Exploring the world of Technology through Frontend Web Development and Software Engineering.

Stacks: HTML CSS Tailwind CSS JavaScript TypeScript ReactJS C Python Mysql

Hobbies: Coding Music Movies
